Sunday, May 3, 2015

How Alcohol leads to Drugs

This week I have focused my research on how drus are introduced by alcohol. Although my Genius Hour is on the effects, it has to start somewhere.

Many teens and young adults first incounter alcohol at parties or get togethers. Once you become used to the symptoms of alcohol, you start to try new things and "experiment". Experimental or first time drugs are marijuana, cigarettes, and cocaine. After getting hooked on marijuana, cigarettes, and cocaine, you are going to become dependent on that drug and potentially try new and more dangerous drugs. More dangerous drugs consist of Amphetamines, Ecstasy and Heroin.

I do believe alcohol eventually leads to the start of drugs. I am almost completed with my research and really excited about my presentation.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

How Alcohol and Marijuana Affect the Body.

This week I have learned the short term affects of alcohol and marijuana. There are many similarities and a few differences on how they both affect the brain and body.

Marijuana is a drug that many "first users" will smoke. It is mainly common for teenagers to use. After smoking marijuana, users feel lightheaded and drowsy. Short term affects consist of hungriness, distorted sense of time, poor judgement, and short term memory. Long term affects consist of weight loss, hallucinations, shifty eyes, and poor academic performance.

Alcohol is a type of drug that isn't smoked, but is drunken. Many people start drinking alcohol as a teenager at a party or even on New Years. Alcohol is very addictive, especially when you start at a young age. Short term affects are drunkenness, difficulty walking, slurred speech, memory lapses, and impulsive behavior. Long term affects are weight loss, malnutrition, lung and liver disease, also damage to central nervous system.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Biological Effects of Alcohol


Alcohol effects your body more than you may think. It may seem cool and may relax you, but too much can harm you!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Heeeey! I have started my research on the effects Illegal Drugs have on your body and have. I learned that each drug has different effects and consequences. For example, the more dangerous the drug is , the larger the fine is for possession or supplying.

Each drug has many "code names" associating with the effect it has on someone or a shorter way of saying it. For example, Amphetamines are called "phet" for short. Also Ecstasy are called "apples" because they boost your energy. If a drug has a very harmful effect on the body , the fine or time in prison is larger then a drug that isn't as harmful or damaging. For example, heroin can send get you up to life in prison if you are caught supplying it , but Ketamine will get you 14 years in prison.

I am enjoying all the research and new facts I'm learning about this topic and I hope you are too. This is just the beginning of my research and I have lots more to learn! 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Introduction of Illegal Drugs Genius Hour

My name is Jeada AKA Jay. I will be doing my genius hour on illegal drugs. I will be researching how illegal drugs effect your brain & body. 

There are many different types of drugs and/or illegal drugs. Some examples are marijuana, heroin, cocaine, opium, and meth. Many of these drugs are illegal around the United States.

Every drug has a different effect on the body, mainly in a harmful way. I am interested in the different ways the drugs effect the body. I hope you enjoy my research and presentation for genius hour!
