Sunday, April 26, 2015

How Alcohol and Marijuana Affect the Body.

This week I have learned the short term affects of alcohol and marijuana. There are many similarities and a few differences on how they both affect the brain and body.

Marijuana is a drug that many "first users" will smoke. It is mainly common for teenagers to use. After smoking marijuana, users feel lightheaded and drowsy. Short term affects consist of hungriness, distorted sense of time, poor judgement, and short term memory. Long term affects consist of weight loss, hallucinations, shifty eyes, and poor academic performance.

Alcohol is a type of drug that isn't smoked, but is drunken. Many people start drinking alcohol as a teenager at a party or even on New Years. Alcohol is very addictive, especially when you start at a young age. Short term affects are drunkenness, difficulty walking, slurred speech, memory lapses, and impulsive behavior. Long term affects are weight loss, malnutrition, lung and liver disease, also damage to central nervous system.

1 comment:

  1. So is alcohol kind of like a gateway to other drugs? I see it is quite similar to other drugs although it is not smoked or snorted in a sort yet it still has these outstanding effects! Interesting. Would love to know more about it.
